
Sun In Review Hair Lightener Spray

Sun In hair lightener is an easy to use hair lightening spray.  It is a relatively inexpensive product for adding natural looking summer highlights to your hair. Sun in reviews are generally quite good, and I used it all the time when I was younger. It is basically a super easy way to add natural looking highlights to your hair.

Sun In Hair Lightener results and review. Sun In is a hair lightening spray that gives natural highlights and is great for blond to medium dark hair. #sunin #hairhighlights #howtolightenhair #naturalhighlights

Sun In Review

Sun In is a spray product that uses the heat from the sun or a hair dryer to subtlety lighten hair.  It  is easy to use. Simply spray the solution on your hair and either hang out in the sun, or use the heat from a dryer to create natural looking sun bleached highlights.

Sun In comes in both a tropical breeze and a lemon-based formula, each of which has a light scent that helps cover the peroxide scent of the product. You can decide whether obtain subtle highlights with a single application and or stronger highlights with repeat use or by saturating the hair more. Results are permanent.  

sun in hair lightener spray

Natural Looking Highlights with Sun In Hair Lightener

I like Sun in, and used it for years.  I think it is the best hair lightening spray on the market, but there are pros and cons to using  it.

Sun In Hair Lightener: Pros and Cons

According to consumer Sun In reviews, most people who have used it agree that there are more pros than cons with the product. Key considerations to the best results from use of Sun In is whether your hair has the following characteristics:

  1. Lighter than medium brunette to begin with. Does Sun in work on dark hair? Well, yes, but darker hair will not lighten as well and may pick up strong red tones.
  2. In satisfactory condition (i.e. you haven’t many split ends and condition it well).  Damaged hair may feel more damaged after using Sun In, or another hair color or lightener for that matter. Is Sun in bad for hair? No, but like any other hair color it can cause damage, especially with over use. 
  3. You can tolerate the scent.  The products have a smell of peroxide, one of the main ingredients of the product. The smell is not too severe from what I have personally experienced and using the lemon or tropical breeze versions helps cover it.  The old original formula had a much stronger smell. 
  4. You hair is not color treated. I don’t particularly recommend using Sun In on color treated hair, but it can be done with positive results. Despite what I say here, I have used it on color treated hair with no problems. But I did not have darker coloring and my color was already subtle.

I have used Sun In off and on since I was 13 years old and have never had any issues. It has been around a long time!  I tested Sun In the last time when I was 42.  At that time I had medium brown hair with red highlights, and the lightest I went with the product was a strawberry blond, and it was  a darned pleasant shade of it, too. I still swear by the product for those who want easy and super affordable highlights.  I do not use it now simply because I have my hair professionally highlighted now and need more precise highlights to help cover some gray (eek!) 

Overall, I think Sun In is a terrific product, but you do need to note reference to the four points listed above for the best results. Then you can get nice highlights like this (stock image for example, this is not me!)

sun in reviews

Sun In: The Cost and Where to Purchase it Online

You can easily purchase  Sun In hair lightener products here on amazon. With Prime shipping you will be able to have a fantastic, lighter shade of hair when using the product this summer, or any time of the year. You can also purchase Sun In at any big box store or drugstore.

Try a Sun In hair product this summer and you might never go back to any other type of product or treatment that you have experienced in the past. If you think you need more information, read the other Sun In reviews through the link above on Amazon. They are quite good!

Buy Sun In


  1. My ex used Sun In and back then (way back) it turned his hair sort of orange. I’m glad that no one has to go through that now with the improvements.

  2. My 11 year old self has a soft spot for Sun In. I once got a hold of a bottle and literally saturated my entire head, thus turning from a brunette to a blonde for that year. I always joke that I should do it again but know I wouldn’t have the same good luck results as I did that summer. I have tried other brands as an adult but Sun In totally works the best.

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